Tuesday, July 13, 2010

DotA 6.68 Preview 1 - Reliable Gold?

I've confirmed that there were new heroes coming in 6.68, but there are also some new features coming. Here is a preview of a new gold mechanic that introduces the concept of Reliable vs Unreliable Gold.

Reliable Gold" - Any bounty you get from hero kills or from the extra "aoe kill gold" bonus (feature from few patches ago) is added to your Reliable Gold pool.

Unreliable Gold" - It is everything else (creep kills, neutrals, etc). more

"An example: You have 910 total gold (500 Unreliable, 410 Reliable). If you buy Boots of Speed, you'll have 410 total gold left (0 Unreliable, 410 Reliable). However, if you bought Chainmail, you would have 360 Reliable Gold left." - Ice Frog

So, what do you think? could this actually affect the game, I wonder. Though i rather hear news about the new heroes skills, hopefully soon ehh.

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