Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Naruto's Father is The Fourth Hokage!

Fourth Hokage, Minato Uzumaki also known as The Flash

Naruto's Father is The Fourth Hokage!

On the conversation of Tsunade and Jiraiya:

Chapter 367 of the Naruto manga, by Masashi Kishimoto, titled "Itachi and Sasuke", confirmed the true identity of Naruto Uzumaki being a son of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Uzumaki, also known as The Flash, and mother to Kushina Uzumaki, female ninja from the whirlpool country.

Naruto got his looks from his Father, and his attitude and ninjutsu style from his Mother, Tsunade and Jiraiya said.

Who would have guessed that, well actually it was pretty obvious, Naruto and The Fourth's resemblance but still is quite of a suprise. =)

Souce(s): Naruto Manga, Shonen Jump Naruto


  1. I'm glad he is naruto's father!

  2. thank god at least someone knows now i know his mom too...people keep saying uzumaki was a random last name to protect naruto from harm...now i know why thank u so much arigatogozaimasu

  3. The correct name is Minato Kamikaze and Narutos mothers last name is Uzimaki

  4. i knew that fourth hokakea was narutos father but i didn't his mother

  5. Hello,

    My wife and I is in favor to naruto's father the fourth hokage :)

    I'm 37 years old, and my wife is 34 years old, we have 2 kids, a girl 11 years old(doesn't care about naruto), a boy 9(also dont care), but we do. :)
    Were glad, hahaha, its fun :) It stop's aging ;)

  6. someone really needs to post this in all the forums that people are having about the 4th being narutos dad!!! they sound like idiots babbling about jiraya being narutos dad!!!

    i have also read the manga and it left me speachless.

  7. Wow naruto's dad is the fourth hokage thats kool now i kno and who is his mom?=P

  8. i frekin knew it, !

  9. i had a feeling too cuz naruto got the fox and juraya said that he reminded him of the fourth hokage...

    thats wicked seriously

  10. OMG PEOPLE..they tell you in the early 100's. (episodes)...its so obvious its sickening. Itachi tells Kakashi he is after the "legacy"of the fourth Hokage. Legacy is a frequently used term for offspring, children. Then there is the hair, the looks, etc. Also when you think about it...could the fourth have put the nine tailed fox in just anyone??? Of course not...It had to be his own son, father dies so that son and village may live. Then there is RASENGAN, a technique only the fourth used and Naruto mastered it and upgraded it to Rasen-shuriken. Then there is the vision Kakashi has of the fourth "overlapping" Naruto after he uses rasen-shuriken for the first time. Kakashi also says he believes Naruto will surpass the fourth...gee I wonder why. I could go on, there are hints everywhere if you look for them. Jiraiya also hints at it during the find Tsunade arc...ANYONE who didnt figure this out ages ago is just....well....deaf, dumb, and blind...lol.

  11. oh my god frieknly knew that and its awesome

  12. well duh!!!
    it is so god-freeeeeekin-damn obvious
    cos of naruto and the forth hokage's resenblence, its a dead giveaway
    btw i think tsunde is naruto's mother

  13. it was obvious anyways cause why else would he want naruto be a hero (by impresoning the fox inside him, because other wize konoha would be distroyed) :P also its good that he is narutos farther cause it might give him more courage because being hokage is in his blood, (also ironic how he wants to be hokage when his farther was) :P

  14. no offence but i doubt tsunade is narutos mom cause naruto was alone and stuff otherwise she would of been there for him i dont think so either cause he is nothing like his farther (personality wise) and he is nothing like tsunade pluss she is a lil to old and she is in love with jirya cause jiraya orochimaru and tsunade are based on the legend jiraya the great where they fell in love and got married and stuff and jirays best friend (who is orochimaru) betreayed them :P google jiraya the great. this means TSUSNADE IS NOT NARUTOS MOM!!!

  15. i knew it i knew it i knew it!
    i cant believe i was right.
    lol believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. i thought the pein was narutos father..........................

  17. Dud if you read 439, the 4th hokage says Naruto is his son. To naruto. But com'on, it was ibvious from the beginning. They are exactly the same in looks.

  18. mhhh go to onemanga.com choose naruto and read manga 239 and 240 then you see naruto and his father the 4th then he tels hes narutos father ^_^

  19. I can't believe i didn't notice it before! I just figured it out episode 81 so i googled it and here i am

  20. really??and what if the fourth is naruto's uncle ? :))

  21. I've had a lot of hunches turn out to be correct in Naruto. I normally let them play out instead of looking them up to make sure I was right, but I couldn't help myself this time. I knew early on in the original Naruto series when he's a kid, and finally around the 57th episoide of Shippuden I couldn't stand it.

    I looked it up... and sure enough. I wondered why they gave Naruto his mother's family name though, but I thought maybe the 4th and Naruto's mom weren't married, so Naruto got his mothers name?

    Anyway, I blurted it out to my husband who is now irritated with me because he said they had not revealed that yet, and he's caught up with the TV episodes. HOWEVER, he revealed a discussion that Jirya and Tsundae had about Naruto, the 4th and Naruto's mom. It sounded to me like they were implying that the 4th was his father, but my husband didn't seem to think so. I don't think I revealed anything he shouldn't have already figured out!!!

  22. the correct name of yondaime hokage is not uzumaki or kamikaze besides kamikaze would make sense because of the way he died.
    Yondaime correct name is Minato Namikaze
    NAMIKAZE - means wave of wind (onda de vento)

  23. yeah... NAMIKAZE means wave of wind thats why they call him the flash and i already knew this in first place... and the only question that i really want to know is... why did his father sealed the demon fox in naruto?

  24. i already knew that the 4th was related 2 naruto somehow soon as i saw him like he looks like him everything. im just happy i got 2 see his mother i never thought she would have red hair i hope naruto finds out the truth about every thing he diserves it.

  25. i love naruto's fatheeerrrrrr !!!! but i don't understand why anyone explain it to naruto that his father is the forth hokage. more importend doesn't anyone know thiss !!

  26. I know this is super late but I feel like everyone should have figured this out when the series started me and my brother figured it out the very first episode of naruto when the the third hokage said "the 4th sacrificed himself to seal the beast" and then they showed naruto and if you paid close attention during that time you could see they both have yellow hair and yes no one would choose anyone but their own child

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